Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I don't usually gush about shows but I must say this one has captured my heart. Jon and Kate+8!
As the titles gives way its a couple Jon and Kate and their 8 kids, two twin 7 year old girls, and 3 girls 3 boys sextuplets, all 3 and a half years old.
It's not very much shown but it won't take long after an episode or two to know their foundation lies on Solid Rock. I smile every time the camera pans around the kitchen and I see bible verses taped to the wall, and on one instance where Kate comes up with a mission statement for the family on letting people know about God's love.

They are not perfect parents, they say it themselves..but I have learned so much from them:
They love each other and their kids through words and actions each individual
Discipline justly and strong
Are positive and Fun-loving
Listen to their children and allow them to learn to do things themselves
Eat organically and give the right attention to the physical growth of all the kids
Find creative ways for the kids to have safe fun and grow mentally and physically
Handle and resolve little issues in front of their kids showing them how they can resolve disputes with each other

I'm not sure if I will be blessed with 8 kids..Lol, and when and where all of that is going to come into play but I have placed it at the altar of God's perfect will knowing that this season is preparing me for those seasons. And all I can say as I watch this show, see this family live and love nakedly in front of all of America, on how they are just growing a Godly family and smiling, dreaming, and learning myself for when I will be blessed with the callings of wife and mother, all I can say is...

It's a beautiful thing...

On these episodes of Jon and Kate plus 8, I continue to learn as my heart (and face) smile

for more info on the family and show visit:http://www.sixgosselins.com/ (They are on TLC)


Brittnee said...

Adin is my absolute favorite <3

Evan said...

I love That show!!!!!!!!!!
Ive been meaning to tell you about it but i kept forgetting
I thought you would enjoyit Just cant get enough of that family
When they went to disney world... LOL!!!
Every once in awhile they do a marathon!!!Its awesome!!

Stacey the Hippie said...

I love this show more than... well I was going to say Lost, but I thought about it.

I just love this show so much. Kate is my spiritual mentor super hero.

Anonymous said...

I love that show too. It makes me smile. =D