Last week frustrated to me to no end, all I wanted to do was sink myself into Truth, into digesting what happened. But I had to study for finals, I was almost manic, my mind raced faster then it ever had and I couldn't do the one thing I be Still.
Stillness was the theme of a previous post, the theme of me right now and for a while.
I expect to meet you there, prepare me to meet you there.
This was going to be my third Passion, but it needed to be different it had to shake my very foundation. Through fervent prayer of what was happening in my life, I received promised truths:
Rejoice and be glad for the Lord will do great things. Joel 2:21
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it. Psalms 37:4-5
What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God and don't give up on him-ever. Hosea 12:6-7
What's God going to say to my question?
I'm braced for the worst. I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon. I'll wait to see what God says , how He'll answer my complaint. And then God answered: Write this, Write what you see. Write it out in big black letters so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness pointing to what is coming. It aches for the coming-it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. It seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time. Habakkuk 2:13
But Oh God my biggest fear is that these promises are of my own flesh. I tested the Spirits words, your biblical truth, and spiritual guidance as your word demands to not just feel, think and believe but to Know, for one Knows when You speak to them.
During a prayer lead by Francis Chan, at Passion,
As promised in Habakkuk, a Vision. This is the best way I can humanly put it, but it's so clear in my mind, I KNOW Lord You have spoken:
and that vision coming to pass as I:
Know Him in an intimate love relationship
KNow the Holy Spirit as a personal teacher (John 14:26)
Who: guide to apply biblical principles and confirms truth of scripture.
Watch to see what the Father is doing and repeat ( John 5:17)
Moldable (Jeremiah 18:1-6)
Servant- (Phillipians 2:5-7)
Live right now putting me in the fullness of God's timing.
Have my decisions depend on:
The Holy Spirit's leading tested through the word of Truth and spiritual guidance by Godly-mature-married-women.
His Glory=My life.
I need not worry, you have perfection planned. I will do as You say today and you shall as you have promised always complete. I have heard Your voice of love, and KNOW Your promises. I am were you want me. There is no struggle that I come up against where You are not just involved but rootly at the center of it. You alone fulfill me. I am yours to use. Your will is all I pray for Lord.
Your will, I will!
Notes: (idea taken from IE)
Francis Chan
-The only way anyone will ever look at something I did and immediately give the glory to God is through the Holy Spirit.
-Jesus said it is to our advantage that I leave because the Holy Spirit would come
-Holy Spirit= Christ living in us
-Does that even freak you out the slightest that He lives in you, that the Spirit that raised Christ from the grave lives in you?
-There ought to be a radical difference between a person with the Holy Spirit and one without, one who is alive and one who is dead
-YOu don't have to beg for God's blessings, He is constantly looking to give you them.
-Will the Son of Man return and find faith?
-I'm so tired of what I know I can do in the flesh, I want to do things I know I cold never do except through His power.
Inspired by this teaching:
To the best that you leave
How can it
You not physically here would be better for me
Though how could I have known
Leaving me, placed Holy vision
well and whole, glory foretold
Embedded deep
The wonder of your spirit dwelling
calls upon my all
Turn, face up to see
Alive, In the Cross Complete
Yet the promise still stands
Father, sooner then I believe
Enveloped in Yours, my hands will be
EM-R 2008
Louie Giglio
-I was chosen by Him before the foundations of time. I was crucified, buried and raised with Him.
-The Cross=I love you
God allows freedom, but maintains control
God can take the worst and use it for good.
How can the worst thing that happened be turned into the best thing ever? Through God and He does that Always, in any situation, circumstance, problem, trial, and tribulation of our lives.
North Point
-What went wrong with Solomon? His heart was not fully devoted to God (1 King 11:4)
-Solomon didn't one day wake up and choose to stop following God -he compromised.
-How much does the idea register that the enemy is consistently, confidently, subtly, and patiently after you?
-Even the wisest man who ever lived fell pray to this strategy.
Fight Back: Stay Alert!
-Why wait till there is a crisis, pretend like there is one
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Yes Lord, walking in the way of Your truth we wait eagerly for you. For Your name, and Your renown are the desires of our souls. Isaiah 26:8