This weekend....This weekend has been anticipated by both heaven and earth, the prayers and actions of high school students and their leaders for the courage and the execution of 200 ( or more) visitors to FRC's Student Ministry. Where perhaps for the first time they will experience authentic worship, a real life-applicable and powerful message, and a visual presentation that has no need for words (except for the lyrics in the music).
I've been more or less in great experimentation leading the drama presentations for the Students, but this skit is the beginning. For it has been the process of what I've wanted the drama team to be from the beginning.
The evidence is found in first that It was found by a student....this is definitely one of the things I wanted most. That the fuel and passion would begin from them. Then, a dedicated and amazing group of student performers were brought together...they have taken this skit into their hands and hearts, and are running with it and I'm just trying to keep up.
The result....
Well this one only God knows at this point, but as I have been praying and planning for this I have given the director's hat to the only One able to fill the shoes and fulfill the purpose to why these days in the corner of Flamingo and Stirling were planned since the beginning of time.
So I shall leave you in suspense of what is to come...but not for long. Please join me in prayer for the young lives to be changed this weekend!
Till again soon!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I blog, therefore I wait
Waiting...I think the only the only thing I'm good on waiting on is inspiration to write a blog. Therefore, just so you know I have not forgotten or neglected...words are precious to me and I have never been able to allow for anyone to see my writing without the thorough searching of my heart.
Till again.
Till again.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Why am I defending what is right?!
After reading an online article as well as its many comments (and most pastors) I hope what I felt was biblically correct, like the anger Jesus felt when people were turning His Father's home into a marketplace! I am not angered just mad and sad that people spill forth whatever first comes out of their heads without for a second thinking, so your honor here is my statement:
I have been a member of Flamingo Road for over 12 years now. I along with my family have grown up at that church! I’am now a servant to many different ministries there all which I have a passion for. I have read many of the comments here and for the purpose of community between the body of Christ, I am sad to say have seen a lot of tearing down. I’am all for expressing views and opinions but as the proverbs have shown the way things are said are sometimes more important then the information behind it. I would ask for anyone doubtful of the idea of my church to instead of critize, ask questions and then think about our culture and location. South Florida is a melting pot, the only other one I have found in the whole of the US like us is New York, we consist of thousands of different backgrounds and lifestyles, and we have to find the way to maintain culture while building community. I was born in Cuba, and when I moved here grew up at a church that celebrated my background and allowed me to understand and do the same for all the others around me. You could flood this page with opinions of what is right and wrong and whether this is biblically sound, but please don’t give authoritive opinions on a culture you don’t understand, a church you have never been a part of and pastors you have never met, and a calling (and this I believe wholeheartedly) of a church who is running full speed ahead as it never has in the many years I have been there to reach a community, were 90% of the people are unchurched. We are a family focused on community (specially since half of our congregation gathers in smaller communities all through out South Florida and Peru giving true authentic relationships like I have never seen in any other family). My church has just looked at in where our community spend most of their time (the internet) and leverage this tool to break the mold of their thoughts on “hypocritical” Christians and become raw and bare in front of them that we are broken people with the greatest hope in the world!
I didn't enjoy writing this, and don't feel much better about it because sadly most of the people with those comments will sadly continue believing what they said and more then not have chosen to tear their family down instead of building up or even doing the impossible attempt of asking questions and making suggestions instead of criticism.
Let me know your thoughts....
I have been a member of Flamingo Road for over 12 years now. I along with my family have grown up at that church! I’am now a servant to many different ministries there all which I have a passion for. I have read many of the comments here and for the purpose of community between the body of Christ, I am sad to say have seen a lot of tearing down. I’am all for expressing views and opinions but as the proverbs have shown the way things are said are sometimes more important then the information behind it. I would ask for anyone doubtful of the idea of my church to instead of critize, ask questions and then think about our culture and location. South Florida is a melting pot, the only other one I have found in the whole of the US like us is New York, we consist of thousands of different backgrounds and lifestyles, and we have to find the way to maintain culture while building community. I was born in Cuba, and when I moved here grew up at a church that celebrated my background and allowed me to understand and do the same for all the others around me. You could flood this page with opinions of what is right and wrong and whether this is biblically sound, but please don’t give authoritive opinions on a culture you don’t understand, a church you have never been a part of and pastors you have never met, and a calling (and this I believe wholeheartedly) of a church who is running full speed ahead as it never has in the many years I have been there to reach a community, were 90% of the people are unchurched. We are a family focused on community (specially since half of our congregation gathers in smaller communities all through out South Florida and Peru giving true authentic relationships like I have never seen in any other family). My church has just looked at in where our community spend most of their time (the internet) and leverage this tool to break the mold of their thoughts on “hypocritical” Christians and become raw and bare in front of them that we are broken people with the greatest hope in the world!
I didn't enjoy writing this, and don't feel much better about it because sadly most of the people with those comments will sadly continue believing what they said and more then not have chosen to tear their family down instead of building up or even doing the impossible attempt of asking questions and making suggestions instead of criticism.
Let me know your thoughts....
Monday, August 27, 2007
A lyrical montage in the educational growth of my life
Cuba 1991
Al combate corred bayameses que la Patria os contempla orgullosa no temáis una muerte gloriosa, que morir por la Patria es vivir.
En cadenas vivir, es vivir en oprobio y afrenta sumido. ¡Del clarín escuchad el sonido, a las armas valientes corred!

Sunrise 1996
Sawgrass Elementary school I love the best
Sawgrass Elementary better then the rest
Sunrise 2000
Bair Middle School
School Song: MIA
Plantation 2004
Hail our gracious alma mater
Sing our praise to thee
faithful all our sons and daughters
Cherish thyne honor be
In the world may we prove true
guide our steps red, white, and blue
May the spirit ever lead us
Hail to plantation High
Davie 2007
Broward Community College
School Alma Mater: MIA
So I've had a few, some i was forced to sing, some I agreed with, didn't care about, and even made fun of, but none that ever spoke true to what I know today and what my future holds
So here are the cut and paste lyrics of my lifesong:
Even now I feel it's heat upon my skin,
a life of passion that fills me from within.
A life that I am aching, to begin.
Here I go and there's no turning back my great adventure has begun,
I may be small but I've got GIANT plans to SHINE as brightly as the sun.
I won't rest until I find my time and place, I will be fearless.
I will not dissapear without a trace. I'll shout (or sing) and start a riot. Be anything but quiet!
Search me O God, Search me and find
Any way in me that does not reflect Your purity
Refine me O God In the fire of Your gaze
That I might be holy in all of my ways
Take me deeper Lord, Draw me closer Lord
Give me a heart after Your own heart
Give me a mind that is pure and pleasing to You
Fill me with love, With Your power and Your joy
That this world might see You in me
To find:
Sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true
In extrordinary ways suddenly a day can be so amazing
and sometimes when you yearn you burn the air
and someone else feels the flame you always knew was there

Ready......for graduation.

The increasingly pile of books and I

Reminding my books they cost big$$$
Al combate corred bayameses que la Patria os contempla orgullosa no temáis una muerte gloriosa, que morir por la Patria es vivir.
En cadenas vivir, es vivir en oprobio y afrenta sumido. ¡Del clarín escuchad el sonido, a las armas valientes corred!
Sunrise 1996
Sawgrass Elementary school I love the best
Sawgrass Elementary better then the rest
Sunrise 2000
Bair Middle School
School Song: MIA
Plantation 2004
Hail our gracious alma mater
Sing our praise to thee
faithful all our sons and daughters
Cherish thyne honor be
In the world may we prove true
guide our steps red, white, and blue
May the spirit ever lead us
Hail to plantation High
Davie 2007
Broward Community College
School Alma Mater: MIA
So I've had a few, some i was forced to sing, some I agreed with, didn't care about, and even made fun of, but none that ever spoke true to what I know today and what my future holds
So here are the cut and paste lyrics of my lifesong:
Even now I feel it's heat upon my skin,
a life of passion that fills me from within.
A life that I am aching, to begin.
Here I go and there's no turning back my great adventure has begun,
I may be small but I've got GIANT plans to SHINE as brightly as the sun.
I won't rest until I find my time and place, I will be fearless.
I will not dissapear without a trace. I'll shout (or sing) and start a riot. Be anything but quiet!
Search me O God, Search me and find
Any way in me that does not reflect Your purity
Refine me O God In the fire of Your gaze
That I might be holy in all of my ways
Take me deeper Lord, Draw me closer Lord
Give me a heart after Your own heart
Give me a mind that is pure and pleasing to You
Fill me with love, With Your power and Your joy
That this world might see You in me
To find:
Sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true
In extrordinary ways suddenly a day can be so amazing
and sometimes when you yearn you burn the air
and someone else feels the flame you always knew was there

Ready......for graduation.

The increasingly pile of books and I

Reminding my books they cost big$$$
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The guest. The Host and what it all means!
The party was about to start.
But one important guest had not arrived yet
Then soon he came, and there was laughter, smiles, singing, and joy all around. When he saw the Host I can't tell you wether he basked in the moment and walked to him or finally ran into those loving arms, but I do know that as the graduation party continued for a life that was lived as every live should be lived, it was indescribable.
I could say many things about the amazing guest in this story but I'll say this one because it involves how he, unknowingly, helped change my heart. I've been doing middle school table leading for a while and for a while my attendance was as spotty as that of my girls. Every excuse was made! Then there was Pete, who began his battle with cancer and continued to teach a table full of boys, always there, every week!

It was not guilt that lead me to my realization it was the sheer passion and purpose exampled by Pete that reminded me of why I do anything in the first place, because of moments like this:
Having the extreme priviledge and honor to baptize my girls Gaby and Christina (Pictures to come soon!!)
and many more caught in my heart, especially these recent events
- A battlefield bus ride, where all the stops were pulled to not allow the students to experience what they were going to, even though the battle was already won.

- An amazing group of girls in my cabin who are the beauty of God on this earth and the blessing of my life to know them

- Seeing the hearts of the students fire up as much as my own when I worshiped with an amazingly blessed group of musicians.
- Through a thankful heart watching over an hour of dedications, re-dedications, forgiveness, confessions, callings, renewal, His hand at work!
-Awesome Tennessee Boys with Sasquatch and Journey Skits played out by dedicated leaders

- Being taught by the students we were placed to teach as they themselves proclaimed their armor will be bloody.
-Hearing that when Pete heard the news that 31 students accepted Christ, His cheezy smile came upon his face.

-The stories of hurting, wounded beautiful young ladies who should never experience such hardship and praying God empties me to lead them closer to the only One who can heal their pain.
-Struggling through the personal challenge of first what route to take, choosing a road, have it taken out from underneath my feet but in all of this knowing it is in God's hands even though it's still to be resolved.
-another batch of amazing performances by Jimmy Bobby, Tex, Crew girl and The Pool Lifeguards Lance and Summer
-Seeing 32 students commit and student leaders for the first time experience leading them into this of the most beautiful experiences in the world.
-Early morning graduation announcement.
- Having a close best friend help me realize that I will not limit God in whom he will choose for my future husband (be it age, experience wether too much or too little...) but will finally know the person who will carry my heart on earth by through Christ his ability to make me strong where I am weak and bigger need to change the world then mine so that I may follow where he leads.
- Silently praying Look at your children Lord, they are yours as 27 students take their next step right off the bus in baptism!
- The finally answered prayer of my grandmother from Cuba whom I have not seen for 14 years, getting a visa to come visit in August.
-The so many more moments that daily remind me I am blessed, remembered, fought for, paid for, renewed, forgiven and truly loved.
As I continue on my personal challenge of getting housing, paying, finding a job for my schedule, auditioning, and beginning the new stage of my education at Florida International University's school of Music to fuse knowledge and purpose for what I am meant to do. In the mountain top or valley, my life's worth is found, just like the guest, only in the knowledge and unchanging belief that it belongs to the The Host.
But one important guest had not arrived yet
Then soon he came, and there was laughter, smiles, singing, and joy all around. When he saw the Host I can't tell you wether he basked in the moment and walked to him or finally ran into those loving arms, but I do know that as the graduation party continued for a life that was lived as every live should be lived, it was indescribable.
I could say many things about the amazing guest in this story but I'll say this one because it involves how he, unknowingly, helped change my heart. I've been doing middle school table leading for a while and for a while my attendance was as spotty as that of my girls. Every excuse was made! Then there was Pete, who began his battle with cancer and continued to teach a table full of boys, always there, every week!

It was not guilt that lead me to my realization it was the sheer passion and purpose exampled by Pete that reminded me of why I do anything in the first place, because of moments like this:
Having the extreme priviledge and honor to baptize my girls Gaby and Christina (Pictures to come soon!!)
and many more caught in my heart, especially these recent events
- A battlefield bus ride, where all the stops were pulled to not allow the students to experience what they were going to, even though the battle was already won.

- An amazing group of girls in my cabin who are the beauty of God on this earth and the blessing of my life to know them

- Seeing the hearts of the students fire up as much as my own when I worshiped with an amazingly blessed group of musicians.
- Through a thankful heart watching over an hour of dedications, re-dedications, forgiveness, confessions, callings, renewal, His hand at work!
-Awesome Tennessee Boys with Sasquatch and Journey Skits played out by dedicated leaders

- Being taught by the students we were placed to teach as they themselves proclaimed their armor will be bloody.
-Hearing that when Pete heard the news that 31 students accepted Christ, His cheezy smile came upon his face.

-The stories of hurting, wounded beautiful young ladies who should never experience such hardship and praying God empties me to lead them closer to the only One who can heal their pain.
-Struggling through the personal challenge of first what route to take, choosing a road, have it taken out from underneath my feet but in all of this knowing it is in God's hands even though it's still to be resolved.
-another batch of amazing performances by Jimmy Bobby, Tex, Crew girl and The Pool Lifeguards Lance and Summer
-Seeing 32 students commit and student leaders for the first time experience leading them into this of the most beautiful experiences in the world.
-Early morning graduation announcement.
- Having a close best friend help me realize that I will not limit God in whom he will choose for my future husband (be it age, experience wether too much or too little...) but will finally know the person who will carry my heart on earth by through Christ his ability to make me strong where I am weak and bigger need to change the world then mine so that I may follow where he leads.
- Silently praying Look at your children Lord, they are yours as 27 students take their next step right off the bus in baptism!
- The finally answered prayer of my grandmother from Cuba whom I have not seen for 14 years, getting a visa to come visit in August.
-The so many more moments that daily remind me I am blessed, remembered, fought for, paid for, renewed, forgiven and truly loved.
As I continue on my personal challenge of getting housing, paying, finding a job for my schedule, auditioning, and beginning the new stage of my education at Florida International University's school of Music to fuse knowledge and purpose for what I am meant to do. In the mountain top or valley, my life's worth is found, just like the guest, only in the knowledge and unchanging belief that it belongs to the The Host.
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